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Getting Started
Everything you need to know to help you get your Zigaflow account up and running
9 articles
Add or update your business details
Setting your timezone and language
Adding your logo to screens
Adding your logo for documents and emailsAdd your logo once for it to appear in all of your documents or emails created from your Zigaflow account
Set your financial year informationSet up your financial year information to allow you to report on your financial year in your Zigaflow account
Set up TagsUse the tags for Orders, Items, Customers, Tasks, etc. to make it easy to filter and report as well as control automations
Choose what columns and fields to displayMake the system easier to use by hiding fields you don't need all the Quotes, Jobs/Sales, etc., screens
Adding & hiding statuses in any module
Using Your URL for ZigaflowUse your branding and URL on the Zigaflow pages shows your customers, and use your URL for internal access