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Specification Tables

Provide more extensive details for the items or products in your document

Updated over a month ago

Using the variable {Specification} tells Zigaflow to only output one row or table for each unique item. If the same item appears in more than one section, it will not be repeated multiple times in the specification document.

To create a specification table, create a normal section table and place the variables {SectionSpecification} or {Specification}. Using one of these variables will only copy over the unique items determined by the item codes set.

This means if two or more items share the same product code, only the first item in the list will appear.

The {SectionSpecification} variable will produce a copy of the table for each section in the document. With this variable, only the unique items in the section will appear.

The {Specification} variable will produce a single copy of the table. With this variable, the unique items in the whole document will appear in the table.

The above example is generated from this template:

One Page Per Item

If you want to have just one item's details on one page, add the variable {OneRowTable} anyway in the table.

Prices. Quantities, etc.

When creating a specification table, none of the quantity or pricing information variables, such as {ItemQty}, {ItemTotal}, etc, can be used and this information will not be copied over. The same formatting used in the sample section table can be used on a specification table.

Comments do not appear in specification.

Adding the variable {OnlyWithProductCodes} with only display line items with product codes.

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