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Configure screens based on their status and add mandatory/required fields

Updated over a month ago

Questions or Playbooks allow you to:

  • Guide your team through your processes with screens that change according to their status.

  • Split the fields in a status into two or more screens

  • Make some fields mandatory/required.

  • Use pre-build specific fields

This functionality is only available in these modules:

  • Quotations

  • Jobs/Sales Orders

  • Works Orders

  • Purchase Orders

1. Click on the Cog

2. Click "Prebuilds"

3. Select the module to work in

4. Create a pre-build or edit an existing one

5. Click "Questions" tab

6. Click "Add New Section"

7. Select the status where these questions are activated

8. There are four types of default field selections:

  • None - None

  • Basic - Just the company, contact, next and back buttons

  • All Visible Fields - All the fields you have set to be visible for that module

  • All Fields - Including those set to not visible

9. Make your selection and click on Add. These fields will now be the only ones shown when the quotation, job/sales order, etc., is moved to this status

10. To add more system fields, click here

11. Click on the fields, buttons or tabs to add

12. Click "Save"

13. Add questions that are specific to this status. They are not system or custom fields

14. Select the type of question

15. Give it a label

16. Set whether it is required/mandatory before the next page/status can be moved to

17. Tick here to confirm

18. Question field types are:

  • Checkbox

  • Date

  • Dropdown

  • Embedded Video

  • Input field (for system or custom fields)

  • Multi-select

  • Number

  • Text

  • Text Area (multi-line)

  • Yes or No

19. Custom fields can be added by selecting the field type Input Field, then Custom Field, and then the name of the custom field

20. Add notes to a section to help users understand what they need to do

21. To add another set of questions, click "Add New Section"

22. To have another screen for the same status (i.e. you need to pass through two screens or more in one status), select that status again when creating the question set

23. When the resulting quotation, job/sales order, etc., moves to this status, only the specified fields, buttons, tabs, and questions are shown

24. If the user tries to move to the next page or status without completing all the required fields

25. A message is shown informing the user which question needs to be completed, and they are not allowed to move

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