How Line Item Images are Positioned & Scaled
When generating the PDF document, line item images are placed using the tag {ItemImage}. When the image is placed the image is resized to fit inside the table cell width. For the best results, create a table cell that has the same width and height.
Situation 1: Tall Images
For uploaded images that are tall (images with heights larger than their widths) will be resized to have the height match the column width.
Situation 2: Wide Images
For uploaded images that are wide (images with widths larger than their heights), will be resized to have the width match the column width.
Images not sized correctly
As the system uses the width of the table column its important that they are fixed width.
Make sure this box is ticked for each column. To get to this box, right mouse click on the table in Word, select 'Table Properties' and then the 'Column' tab. Move through each column to check that they are fixed in width.
Save the Word template and load back into Zigaflow.
For the best results, we recommend using JPEG image formats instead of PNG.
During the PDF generation, process PNG images are compressed and this process results in artifacts and image errors.
Word or PDF?
If your template uses many images or graphics and doesn't have repeating products or services, PDF templates provide the best results.