Getting started and managing templates, workflows, and more
Import from other systems using spreadsheets
Add, archive and control access
Set up Mentions and Integrated Emails to make a leap in your communications
Managing the work you do at a granular level is simple with Zigaflow
Customers, Contacts, Suppliers and Marketing Functionality
How to manage leads with automations and reminders
How to create and send quotations as well as how to get the most from Zigaflow's quotations functionality
How to manage making requests for prices from supplier and make sure they are not forgotten
Group quotations, jobs, invoices, etc., by project and track the costs and income.
Manage Jobs/ Customer Orders, linked to PO's, Delivery Notes, Invoices and more
Manage the processing of your orders, whether it is manufacturing or fieldservice
Provide documents for delivery, and optionally book out stock
Managing Purchase Orders and your supplier interactions
Create Standard and Pro Forma invoices, as well as Credit Notes, and push to Xero or QuickBooks
Manage contracts and auto-create jobs and invoices
Create certificates, job sign-offs, documents, and collect data directly into the system
Manage and track the return of items from your customers back into your inventory
Learn what you can do with Items and how to manage them
Learn how to use the stock features in Zigaflow
Know what items customers have, when they are due to be serviced and what work you've done on them
How to manage, track and report on your customers and suppliers
How to get and monitor feedback from your customers
How to create and automate reports
Set up FX rates, Tax Codes, Nominal Codes, and connect to your accounts system
API, Shopify, Stripe, MailChimp, and more
Useful tips and articles for all or most modules