Zigaflow allows your suppliers to acknowledge online that they have received your order. This will automatically move the PO to the status of "Supplier Confirmed". This article explains how to let Zigaflow chase the supplier if they have not done this.
Whenever a scheduled message is set to run based on a status (such as the PO being sent), and it changes to another status, the message will no longer be sent.
The same style automated message can be set up to chase a supplier in RFQs.
1. Click here.
2. Click "Prebuilds"
3. Click "Purchase Orders"
4. Edit a pre-build
5. Click "Automated Messages"
6. Click "New Automated Message"
7. Click "Blank"
8. Make sure the message is "Active", or set it to inactive while you are building it
9. Set the number of days after the trigger event to send the message
10. Set the trigger type, for example, "Status Changed Date", or a date
11. Select the status to trigger on, for example "Sent"
12. If the email needs to be sent repeatedly until the supplier responds, select the days between each re-send
13. And click "Recurs"
14. The message can be sent or not depending on tags and business types. These are checked before it is sent
15. Click the "Recipient Email Addresses" field and enter {SupplierContactEmail}. This will become the supplier's contact's email address
16. Either use a standard email such as [email protected] , or {ContactEmail} which will become the Assigned User's email
17. Populate the email title with information about the specific PO
18. Enter your text for the email. Use {ReviewLink} for the URL to the page the supplier can acknowledge the order. This can be placed as a hyperlink under text as well.
19. Enter {SupplierContactFirstName} to personalize it
20. If you need to find more variables, click "Search Variables"
21. And click on one to copy it
22. Click "Γ"
23. Check all the variables resolve
24. If the variables are not recognized, the {} brackets will be visible
25. Click "Γ"
26. Click "Γ"
27. Copy the messages to the other pre-builds using this button
28. Select the targets
29. Click "Replace Scheduled Messages"
30. Click "Γ"