Note that you can also bulk import client assets from Excel using the Cog -> Import Center -> Client Assets. This article covers manually adding one at a time.
1. Click "Go To"
2. Click "Client Assets"
3. Optionally, filter for just one customer
4. Click "New"
5. To add an item that is in your items list (i.e. you sell), click "Select Item..."
6. Once you have selected the item, select the customer, location and enter the reference (serial number), then click "Create"
7. If you need to register items that the client already had which is not in your items list, click "New"
8. Click "One-Off"
9. Type in the item code (which does not have to be in your items list)
10. When you have entered all the details, click "Create"
11. You can enter additional details on the client asset
12. Optionally, add a photo of the item in place
13. To add useful documents, such as instruction manuals, click "Attachments"
14. Click this file field.
15. And upload the document