Create a Task for Site Visit in Zigaflow
1. Click on the Cog
2. Click "Prebuilds"
3. Click on the module to work on
4. Edit or create a pre-build
5. Click the "Tasks" tab
6. Click "New Task"
7. Select the task type (you can add your own types elsewhere in the settings). Click Next.
8. Enter the description of the task and click Next
9. Set how long you forecast the task will take, and click Next
10. Set the task to a specific team member. If this is not set, the task will be assigned to the creator or user of the quotation, job/sales order, etc., when the task is created. Click Next.
11. The task will be generated when the quotation, job/sales order, etc., moves to the status you set here. Click Next
12. Select when the task is set for:
No scheduling - No date is set
Deadline - A date is set for it to be completed
Scheduled time - A specific date and time for the task to be started
Deadline and Scheudled - A combination of these
13. Dates are set after or betore a specific number of days. Set to zero days for the task to be generated immediately.
14. If a date has been selected, set the start time and click Next
15. Set a task tag if required
16. Ticking "Auto-complete task as Quotation progresses" means that if the quotation, job/sales order, etc. is moved to another status, the system will automatically mark the task as completed.
17. Ticking "Reopen task after Quotation has moved to an earlier stage" field means that a task that has been marked as completed will be re-opened if the parent quotation, job/sales order, etc., is moved back to the status set on this screen.
18. Click "Save & Close"
19. These Task generators can be edited in the task tab of the pre-build