1. Click "Multi-Select"
2. Select the items to place Purchase Order(s) for. You can create POs for more than one supplier at once
3. Click on "Create Purchase Order". If you are ordering all the items on the PO, skip the multi-select step.
4. Select the supplier from this dropdown to apply to all the items
5. Click "Add to All Items"
6. You can select different suppliers for different items
7. Or remove an item from the PO creation by setting the supplier to "Ignore"
8. Using forecast item cost will take the cost price from the Job/Sales Order. Untick it to use the cost price from the item in the items list.
9. Click 'Create Purchase Orders'
10. Select the PO pre-build to use
11. This process will generate one PO for each supplier
12. You can see the link from the PO to the Job/Sales Order at the top of the PO