Before importing, the supplier and contact at the company (if set in the import) need to be in Zigaflow. Otherwise, the import will fail.
These columns are compulsory in the import file:
ID - this is just the reference from the previous system, such as the purchase order number
Status (the Zigaflow status)
Assigned User Email - the user the purchase order will be assigned to in Zigaflow
Initial Assigned User Email - the initial user the purchase order will be assigned to in Zigaflow
Required Date
Expected Date
1. Click on the Cog
2. Click "Import Center"
3. Click "Purchase Orders"
4. Click "Download Template" for the template spreadsheet
5. More than one PO can be imported at a time.
The template consists of three areas: header, section name, and item details.
6. For each item in an PO, there needs to be a complete row. This means that the master PO details, such as the supplier name or note, need to be repeated on each line. Similarly, the section name (if given) needs to be repeated for all the items in the section.
7. Drag and drop the file here
8. Click "Upload"
9. The banner shows the success or failure of the import
10. The original ID/Reference from the previous system is appended to the description