Before importing, the customer/company and contact at the company (if set in the import) need to be in Zigaflow. Otherwise, the import will fail. The import does not include the value of the quotation - this should be added to the note field as text.
These columns are compulsory in the import file:
ID - this is just the reference from the previous system, such as the quote number
Status (the Zigaflow status)
Assigned User Email - the user the quote will be assigned to in Zigaflow
Initial Assigned User Email - the initial user the quote will be assigned to in Zigaflow
Date Quoted
Delivery Date
End Date
1. Click on the Cog
2. Click "Import Center"
3. Click "Quotations"
4. Drag and drop the import file here
5. Click "Upload"
6. Click "Import Complete"