Zigaflow allows you to import stock from another system using a spreadsheet.
You can also import a spreadsheet to update existing inventory levels, for example, after physical checks are logged on a spreadsheet.
Items must already be in the system before attempting to import their quantities.
You can download the current quantities by clicking on Go To -> Stock -> Overview -> Export -> "Quantities by Location"
If you have not set up the locations yet, see Setting up Inventory/Stock Locations
1. Click on the Cog
2. Click "Import Center"
3. Click "Stock" or "Inventory"
4. Click "Download Template" for the spreadsheet to load your data into the correct format
5. Add the items and their quantities into the spreadsheet.
Note the construction of the stock location, i.e. London\Aisle A, and if the item has a reference or serial number, this can be put into the "Reference" column. An item must be already set in the system to use references for this to work.
6. Drag and drop the import file here
7. Tick here to remove stock in the system that is not in the import file
8. Click "Upload"