1. Click on the Cog
2. Click "Financial Settings"
3. Click on 'Price Lists'
4. Click "New Price List"
5. Type in the name and description
6. And the currency that it to applied in
7. You can add the prices individually, more are more likely to import from a spreadsheet. To do this, click the 'Import Center'
8. Click 'Items' then 'Prices & Costs'
9. Click 'Import Items Price Lists'
10. Click 'Drag & Drop Here...' to upload the file
11. The import file should have the item code, the price list it is to be set up, the price and the breakpoint- which is zero if it is for any quantity
12. Click "Upload"
13. Open the item and click 'Price List to see the price uploaded
14. When you add the product with price list set to the default, it will use the default price - in this case Β£30.00
15. To use the new price list, click on the 'Price List' dropdown and select it
16. The new price is now used
17. If you already had items on the quotation before changing the price list, click on the menu item for that item
18. And click on 'Refresh Prices'. Or use the 'Apply' button to refresh more than one item
19. Note that you can set the default price list for a customer in their edit page: