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Creating a Variant

How to create a 'Base' variant and its SKU's/Items

Updated over 8 months ago

Variants allow the user to select an option on an item (such as the color, or size) and this changes the item automatically to a different, related SKU. If you are selling a T-Shirt in three colours, you might have one base variant of the T-Shirt (which the customer can't order without selecting the color) and the related SKU's for each colour.

1. Click "Go To"

2. Click "Variants"

3. Click "New Base Variant"

4. Add the variant's code

5. Click this field.

6. Add the variant's description

7. Click "Add Base Variant"

8. Enter additional details on the other tabs

9. Prices and costs added to the base variant will be used by any SKU/Items created. They can be over-written on the SKU/Items if required

10. On the Items tab, click on 'Add New Options' to add the variations

11. Create a set of options for this base variant or select an existing set to associate

12. Give the option set a name

13. Enter the values separated by semi-colons

14. For example, "Blue;Green;Red". Then click "Add"

15. Enter the preferred short derivations of each option that will be used in the SKU's code, separated by a semi-colon

16. Enter option codes divider, for example '-' or '/'

17. Click "Save Changes"

18. Create the shells - this doesn't create the SKU's but creates the expected codes

19. If you are happy with the expected codes, select the shells to create the items for

20. Click "Create Items". The SKU's/Items will be created

21. Click "Save Changes"

22. Click "Γ—". The variant and its SKUs are ready to use

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