Zigaflow allows you to set a credit limit for a customer and will warn your team when this has been exceeded.
Zigaflow calculates whether the credit limit has been exceeded by:
Credit Limit - (Unpaid Invoices) + Outstanding Credit Notes - (Uninvoiced Jobs/Sales Orders)
The uninvoiced job/sales order value is:
Total Value of Job/Sales Order - Linked Invoiced Values
So, if a customer has a limit of $1,000, and a job is created for that value, the remaining credit is $0 (credit limit $1,000 - value of job $1,000).
If 50% of the job is invoiced and sent to the client, the credit used is still $0 ($500 on unpaid invoice + $500 left uninvoiced on the job).
When that invoice is paid, the credit is $500 ($500 left uninvoiced on the job).
Note that credit limits include the tax (gross) in their calculations.
Setting the Range
If your account has old orders that were not invoiced through Zigaflow, for example before you started using the invoices module, they can ignored based on their date. Click on the Cog ->Financial Settings - > Credit Limit Settings:
Setting the Limit
CRM-> Edit the client -> Enter the 'Credit Limit'.
If the limit is set to 0, no limit is imposed. Credit checking only occurs when a non-zero value is used.
If this field is not visible, click the 'Screen Options' button at the top right to display it.
Getting the Credit Calculation Breakdown
On each customer (with a limit set), you can click on the 'Credit Breakdown' tab. There is a summary and a breakdown of all the contributing invoices, credit notes and orders.
Limit Exceed Warnings
Zigaflow notifies you that the limit has been exceeded on the CRM edit screen:
The customers list screen:
And on the quotes, jobs, and delivery notes screens: