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Set up Quotation Approvals
Set up Quotation Approvals

Require approval before team members can send quotations that exceed certain value and discounts

Updated over a month ago

Ensure that certain users can't produce or send out quotations that exceed certain thresholds without approval from an admin user.

These are based on:

  • Discount %

  • Discount value

  • Total net value

Users can email an admin user from within the quote to request for approval.

Set up

Create the Limits

Configure -> Quotations -> Internal Approvals Settings

Create a rule group and add the limits:

Apply the Limits to a User Role

  • Cog -> Team Settings -> Manage Roles

  • Create or select a role (system roles of User and Admin can't be edited)

  • Set the Quotations approval to the limits

Users that are to be restricted should be set to use the role with these limits, in this example, the role is called 'Junior Sales'

Follow these steps to set up the approvals.

Working with Approvals

On clicking the 'Request Approval' button, the user can select someone with the appropriate permissions to approve this and email them directly from the system. The email has a link to the quotation, which the manager can click on to check and approve the quotation quickly.

The request is logged in the Internal comments:

The request email can be configured by the sender, with the default version here:

The approver will click on the link and be taken straight to the quotation:

The originator can then be notified when it has been approved, or the approver can give the rejection reasons:

If rejected, the quotation stays in that state, so it cannot be sent or downloaded until changed to fall within the permitted limits.

If approved, the originator can now send or download the quotation.

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